About Us old

The Indoor Invitational was formed in June 2011 in Oxford, England by Johnathon Jeffery. Originating as a tournament amongst his school friends he set out on creating a method to avoid all the best players teaming up so each team would be fair.

This worked extremely well, with everyone having a really enjoyable day. This led onto the second indoor invitational in which it was friends of friends. The ranking system was again put into good use with another enjoyable tournament. 
It was at this point, John decided to expand the tournament and start inviting more people outside of his inner circle while actually starting to make some money from the league. 

For the next couple of tournaments, the invitational grew into a place where people from all over the the UK were coming to play. Some tournaments had a couple of Welsh players who had played for Southampton youth academy, others had some guys from Scotland come down.

Eventually though, John decided to move to the Waikato, New Zealand, and that's where the invitational really took off.  After only being there for a couple of months, he saw the market for the invitational and quickly began organizing tournaments. It eventually turned into a tournament that was advertised by WaiBop (Waikato/Bay Of Plenty) Football Association, and also some of the bigger clubs in the region such as Hamilton Wanderers and Melville United.
It grew to such an extent that John brought on a few people to help run the tournaments, these people eventually went on to run their own tournaments while John was in the South Island and across Asia. 

The tournament took a hiatus in 2015 before John moved to Canada, it had planned to come back in the fall of 2016 in both NZ and new to Canada, but due to the cost restraints in Toronto for hiring a field and a lot of the people who ran them in New Zealand moving onto other countries/cities, it was no longer feasible.
That leads us to 2021, having settled in Canada permanently, the Indoor Invitational has returned and will start refreshed (new leaderboards, etc).
 See the evolution of our logos: