On the Day

First things first, please read our Rules Page, some of the stuff will overlap here but it's important you're aware of the rules first.

So, you've read through the rules and now you're wondering what will happen on the day? What should you bring? WHO should you bring? Well this is the place for all those answers.

Each tournament will be potentially different, but this page will be edited for each one. This page is currently valid for tournaments located in North Van (Windsor Bubble)

Arrival time: No later than 8:30am. Kick-off is at 9am sharp, so please be here with enough time. 

Departure time: We aim to wrap up by 5pm, if all goes on time, we should be done by 4:15/30pm. Please do not leave until after the awards ceremony. If you have given us advanced notice that is ok, otherwise you should stay until the end of the tournament.

How to get there? It's at the Windsor Bubble; 

931 Broadview Dr, North Vancouver, BC V7H 2E9

What should you bring? 

  • Warm clothes for when you're not playing - it can be cold in the building.
  • It's played indoor on turf, turf boots are recommended but cleats are fine too (no metal)
  • Long socks and shinpads are required
  • Sport shirt/Shorts are recommended, however, all players are required to wear a pinnie provided by us as it has numbers on.
  • Spare change of clothes is always beneficial, whether for the end of day or mid-day
  • Water - there is no refill station at this location!
  • Snacks/Lunch - while we don't have a designated lunchtime, each team will have plenty of time to eat and it's recommended to bring some food (though not something heavy given the short breaks)

Where should we sit when we're waiting for our game? As there is not a real spectator area, please ensure you are ready behind the specific pitch (A is closest to entrance, C is furthest) 5 minutes before your game.

Can we bring spectators? To an extent yes. But please be aware there is no seating area for spectators like there was in our old venue. This means they will be sat on benches or the floor around the perimeter of the pitch.

How do we know when we're playing? We have a link for everyone to see live fixtures and results (as soon as they are entered it will update). No one should use the laptop to look at fixtures. There will also be a couple of sheets hung up for scanning barcode.

Who will ref? Everyone! Each game will have a designated reffing team, it's up to your team and the captain to decide who will ref. Please note our tournaments are very friendly and usually only requires you to enter the goalscorers numbers for the goals. We have handheld whistles for when you want to call a foul.

Is the league table automated? Yes the league table is up to date from the moment the scores are put in. Top scorers are also up to date for the most part, however, it requires an extra step to put them in order which sometimes might be missed. 

How long are the games and how many will we play? Every team will play 9 games minimum.

Regular season games (6 of them) will last 16 (or 15) minutes each, the referee has the authority to add on 1 minute extra too. Depending on how we're doing for time, it's possibly the games might be shortened, but doubtful. Playoffs are 15 minute games.

What should we expect from the day?  A lot of soccer, a lot of fun and a chance to meet a whole bunch of people! We really believe in our ranking system and while it's not always perfect, we believe you will have fun regardless of how your team does - but you should have a chance at winning based on the rankings. 

We also do an awards ceremony at the end of the day. So prizes to be won for all levels of ability!

Are the teams final? No, dropouts happen and it's possibly new information makes certain teams unbalanced. While it's only happened a couple of times in the past, teams have been changed before the first kickoff to make a more balanced tournament, but it's unlikely.

General information:

  • Please under no circumstances touch the Mac, only designated people should go behind the bar. This is where we sort out the fixtures, etc. 
  • Referees should leave the scorecard in the designated spot on the table. If they are playing the game after they ref, they should give it to someone else to take up.